报告题目:Unified superradiant phase transitions
报 告 人: 彭杰 副教授(湘潭大学)
时 间: 2019年6月17日(星期一)上午9:30
地 点: yl6809永利官网LE201
We unify the superradiant phase transitions (SPT) study of simple light–matter models under thermodynamics and classical oscillator limits in thermal equilibrium. They are of the same type in the mean-field approximation, which is proven to be exact here. We illustrate how SPT properties (1st order, 2nd order or no SPT) are related to symmetry. We uncover general features of the phase structure for system with dipolar couplings. One interesting phenomena is that the system could be in superradiant-normal-superradiant phase with 2nd and 1st order SPT respectively, just as one coupling increases. Our method offers a simple and unified way to study the SPT properties for many light-matter models.
彭杰,2014年博士毕业于南京大学,在西班牙巴斯克大学Solano教授课题组访学一年。主持国自科青年基金等多项科研项目,发表SCI论文十余篇,其中一篇被英国物理学会(IOP)评为IOPselect,被Journal of Physics A期刊Rabi模型研究特刊邀稿一篇。主要从事光与物质相互作用系统的理论研究,发现了多比特Rabi模型的一种“类似暗态”的特殊解,近期发现一种在任意温度下统一研究不同极限情况下超辐射相变的研究方法。