
The neural mechanism for motion pattern processing and its applications


报告题目: The neural mechanism for motion pattern processing and its applications

   人:弭元元 (永利集团 神经智能研究中心 )

   间:  201965日(周三)下午15:00  

   点:  理科楼 LE201  

邀请人:  柴一晟 (yl6809永利官网,低温物理实验室)       


Neural information processing is extremely slow. This slowness is the inevitable consequence of transmitting neural signals over layers of neurons in a hierarchical neural pathway. But, on the other hand, this slowness has the advantage of that it allows the neural system to aggregate temporal information over time in order to make a right decision. In this talk, I will first introduce a neural tracking model which enables the neural system to predict the future location of a moving object to compensate for neural transmission delays, and then introduce a decision-making model which enables the neural system to extract the temporal structure of inputs to recognize a motion pattern.


弭元元,永利集团神经智能研究中心,研究员,百人计划预聘制副教授。主要专注于大脑在网络层面上处理信息的一般性原理,尤其是神经系统处理动态信息,包括工作记忆、时间节律、运动预测等,的计算机制等。以第一或通讯作者在Neuron, PNAS, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Front. Comput. Neurosc.Phys. Rev. EEurophys. Lett.等杂志发表论文17篇, 在eLife, F1000 Faculty Rev.等杂志上合作发表论文18篇。合作指导的科研课题获得首届全国老员工类脑计算创新应用大赛暨国际邀请赛总决赛一等奖。