理学部108室 4月13日 星期六
09:00-09:20 虞跃(复旦大学) 开幕式致辞
09:20-09:50 苏跃华(烟台大学)
Breakdown of Landau Fermi liquid theory: Restrictions on the degrees of freedom of quantum electrons
09:50-10:20 卢仙聪(厦门大学)
10:50-11:20 马锋杰(北京师范大学)
Electronic structure calculations with AFQMC and DFT methods
11:20-11:50 闫循旺(曲阜师范大学)
11:50-12:20 钟寅(兰州大学)
Exactly Solvable Kondo Lattice Model in Anisotropic Limit
14:00-14:30 罗熙(上海理工大学)
Quantum chaos inside the emergent event horizon in transition layer between type-I and type-II weyl semimetals
14:30-15:00 李非也(复旦大学)
Emergent quantum criticality from spin-orbital entanglement in d8 Mott insulators
15:00-15:30 司铁岩(哈尔滨工业大学)
15:30-16:00 陆汉涛(兰州大学)
Charge and thermal effects in the photoinduced carrier dynamics of doped Hubbard ladders and chains
16:20-16:50 昌峻(陕西师范大学)
Raman Spectra in Spin-Orbit Mott Insulator Sr3Ir2O7 Under High Pressure
16:50-17:20 封晓勇(杭州师范大学)
17:20-17:50 陈巧妮(北京师范大学)
4月14日 星期日
09:00-09:30 谢志远(中国人民大学)
Matrix Product State in Deep Neural Networks
09:30-10:00 秦明普(上海交通大学)
Constrained path auxiliary field Quantum Monte Carlo: introduction and recent development
10:20-10:50 程晨(兰州大学)
Singlet pairing and superconductivity in t-J ladders with Mott insulating stripes
10:50-11:20 马女森(中科院物理所)
11:20-11:50 张学锋(永利集团)
Floquet induced superfluidity of two-species hardcore bosons in 1-d optical lattice