
Dissipative Majorana quantum wires——when topology meet dissipations


: 蔡子 研究员 (上海交通大学物理与天文学院)


   间: 2018年1122号(星期四)下午3:00        

   点: yl6809永利官网LE201(理论物理平台)      


报告内容简介:In this talk, we try to formulate and quantitatively examine the effect of dissipation on topological systems. By choosing a specific model of Kitaev quantum wire with onsite Ohmic dissipations, we perform a numerically exact quantum Monte Carlo simulation to investigate this interacting open quantum system with strong system-bath (SB) coupling thus beyond the scope of Born-Markovian approximation. We concentrate on the effect of dissipation on the topological features of the system(e.g. the Majorana edge mode) at zero temperature, and find that even though the topological phase is robust against weak SB couplings as it is supposed to be, it will eventually be destroyed by sufficiently strong dissipations via a continuous quantum phase transition instead of a crossover. The dissipation-driven quantum criticality has also been discussed. In addition, a bosonization analysis has been performed to provide an analytical understanding of the interplay between the pairing and dissipation in our model.



蔡子博士,上海交通大学特别研究员。 2010年中科院物理所获得博士学位。先后在美国加州大学圣迭戈分校,德国慕尼黑大学,奥地利科学院量子光学与量子信息研究所从事博士后研究。20169月加入上海交通大学物理与天文学院。主要研究方向为量子多体物理中的理论和数值计算。研究领域包括凝聚态物理,冷原子系统,以及非平衡和开放量子多体系统。