







Understanding the interfacial growth mechanism is essential for controlling the film morphology and properties. However, a straightforward picture of the growth mode under different growth conditions is still lacking. In this talk, I will introduce a comprehensive interfacial growth theory based on the stochastic approach. Using a critical interisland separation, we construct a general phase diagram of the growth modes. Both first-principle calculations and experiments with zinc oxide growth by chemical vapor deposition have been utilized to demonstrate the theoretical model. Besides, I will also introduce our systematic work about the influence of the strain on the growth structure and properties.


舒大军教授,女,南京大学教授,博士生导师。1996年本科毕业于西南大学;2001年在中国科学院固体物理研究所获得博士学位;2001-2003年在南京大学yl6809永利官网从事博士后研究;2003年起在南京大学任副教授,2010年聘为教授。2012-2013年在日本东京工业大学任访问教授。其研究领域为计算凝聚态物理,在国际上发表研究论文24篇,其中5篇发表在物理类一流刊物Physical Review Leters上。近年来研究工作为功能材料的计算机模拟和设计、表面和界面的模拟和性质调控、纳米材料生长机制和界面生长动力学。