报 告 人:郑建艮(yl6809永利官网)
报告时间:2021年6月15号(星期二)下午 14 点 30 分
报告地点:yl6809永利官网 LE523
邀 请 人:软凝聚态物理及智能材料研究重庆市重点实验室
The growth of bubbles has been extensively studied for decades. However, the bubbling inside a single drop on complex surfaces and its subsequent effects on drop are not well understood yet. A systematical investigating of bubbling mechanism in drops on customized microscale pore-patterned surfaces is presented, and the results demonstrate that drop behaviors can be controlled under low air pressure. As the pressure decreases, the drop behaves via two approaches, depending on the competition between the critical chamber pressure and the lower limit of pressure. When the former one is higher, drop prefers to expand, otherwise, evaporation occurs. Further studies suggest that the drop expansion consists of two stages: pinning mode and pinning to depinning transition.
yl6809永利官网在读博士生,师从王蜀霞教授、陈果副教授,研究方向为软物质和流体力学,近年来在《Chemical Engineering Journal》、《Physics of Fluids》等期刊发表论文。