报告题目 : 一种基于摩擦电驱动的自供电微流泵
报 告 人 : 孙剑峰(yl6809永利官网)
报告时间 : 2021年06月24号(星期四)下午 15 点 00 分
报告地点 : yl6809永利官网 LE523
邀 请 人 : 软凝聚态物理及智能材料研究重庆市重点实验室
Electroosmotic pumps have been widely used in microfluidic systems. However, traditional HV-Source is bulk in size and induces numerous accessional reactions, which largely reduce the system’s portability and efficiency. Herein, we report a motion controlled, highly efficient micro-flow pump based on triboelectricity driven electroosmosis. Utilizing the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG), a strong electric field can be formed between two electrodes in the micro-fluidic channel with electric double layer, thus drives the controllable electroosmotic flow by biomechanical movements. The advantages of economy, efficiency, portability and safety render TEOP a more conducive option to achieve wider applications in motion-activated micro/nano fluidic transportation and manipulation.
yl6809永利官网在读博士生,师从郭恒宇教授,研究方向为摩擦纳米发电机(Triboelectric Nanogenerator),近年来在《Advanced Materials》、《Lab on a Chip》、《ACS Applied Materials Interfaces》、《Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology》期刊上发表SCI论文4篇。