


报告题目 :Sb2Se3基光阴极的制备及其光电化学水分解性能研究


报告时间 : 2021119号(星期二)上午 9

报告地点 : yl6809永利官网 LE 523

报告摘要 :

With the continuous growth of the world population, the crisis of environmental pollution, climate warming and energy shortage are becoming more and more serious. In recent years, hydrogen production by photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting has become one of the most promising technology for solar energy conversion. Sb2Se3 has attracted much attentions as a low-cost, environmentally friendly and highly efficient new photocathode material for PEC water splitting. However, for Sb2Se3-based photocathode, much attentions have been paid on the transfer of the electrons, while few researchers paid attentions on the transfer of holes. Meanwhile, in order to make full use of Sb2Se3 based photocathode for water splitting, it is necessary to study the holes’ accumulation between the Sb2Se3 semiconductor and back electrode. Hole transfer layer (HTL) can play a vital role for extracting holes from semiconductor layer to back electrode in PEC cells. Nickel oxide (NiOx), as a p-type semiconductor, is commonly used as HTL for perovskite solar cells. We demonstrated NiOx as a potential hole transport material for cost-effective Sb2Se3 PEC cell, and the results extend the research field of the Sb2Se3 based photocathode for PEC water splitting.


yl6809永利官网在读博士,导师为陈世建教授,主要研究方向为光电化学光阴极材料。今年来在《Applied Physics Letters》、《Sustainable Energy & Fuels》等期刊发表论文。