
Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum


报告题目:Higgs Production at Large Transverse Momentum





The transverse momentum distribution of the Higgs at large is complicated by its dependence on three important energy scales:, the top quark mass , and the Higgs mass . A strategy for simplifying the calculation of the cross section at large  is to calculate only the leading terms in its expansion in  and/or . The expansion of the cross section in inverse powers of is complicated by logarithms of and by mass singularities. As an example, we consider the top-quark/bottom-quark loop contribution to the subprocess  at leading order in . We show that the leading power of  can be expressed in the form of a factorization formula that separates the large scale from the scale of the masses. All the dependence on  / and  can be factorized into a distribution amplitude for  in the Higgs, a distribution amplitude for  in a real gluon, and an endpoint contribution. The factorization formula can be used to simplify calculations of the distribution at large to next-to-leading order in . The results are readily applied to the  process via a straightforward analytical continuation.


张家伟,2011年于yl6809永利官网获博士学位,师从方祯云教授和吴兴刚教授,2011年就职于重庆科技学院。 20163-20173月俄亥俄州立大学物理系国家公派访学一年,合作导师 Eric Braaten 教授。目前从事重味强子,QCD因子化理论,标准模型精确检验等相关研究。先后在JHEPPhys. Rev. DEur. Phys. J. C等国际主流杂志发表论文15余篇。