
A complete classification of band nodal structures


  目:A complete classification of band nodal structures

报告人:唐 博士    南京大学

  间:2022329日(星期二) 1430

  点:腾讯会议 ID 335 179 393

报告摘要:The classification and prediction of various symmetry-enforced band nodes based on representation theory of space group have led to tremendous advancements in the field of topological materials. In this talk, I would firstly introduce how we classify the hourglass band crossings [1] and obtain the complete classification of symmetry-enforced band nodes [2] based on the compatibility relations of the 230 space groups: In some space groups, hourglass band crossing (further identified to lie in a nodal loop) definitely exists and then through twisting the hourglass, another accidental nodal loop could be formed, giving rise to a Hopf-link nodal structure [2]. Then I demonstrate the construction of all irreducible representation matrices of little groups for all the 1651 magnetic space groups, based on which we obtained an exhaustive construction of all k·p models [3]. Finally, I would talk about our recently work on the complete classification of band nodal structures combining compatibility relations and k·p models for all the 1651 magnetic space groups and 528 magnetic layer groups [4].


1. Lin Wu, Feng Tang and Xiangang Wan, Phys. Rev. B 102, 035106 (2020).

2. Lin Wu, Feng Tang and Xiangang Wan, Phys. Rev. B 104, 045107 (2021).

3. Feng Tang and Xiangang Wan, Phys. Rev. B 104, 085137 (2021).

4. Feng Tang and Xiangang Wan, arXiv: 2201.09836 (2022).

报告人介绍:唐峰,南京大学yl6809永利官网特任研究员,2019年在南京大学获得博士学位。目前研究兴趣包括:基于磁性空间群系统全面地研究和寻找磁性拓扑材料和拓扑超导材料。以第一/通讯作者在Nature, Nature Physics, Science Advances各发表1篇论文,在Phys. Rev. B上发表论文3篇。