
Astrophysical probes to the new physics beyond the Standard Model


 目:Astrophysical probes to the new physics beyond the Standard Model


 间:2022428日(星期四)下午 2:30            

 点:yl6809永利官网LE201 腾讯会议:322-278-711



赵悦,2018-现在 助理教授,美国犹他大学,中科院理论物理所访问学者; 2015年—2018年,博士后,美国密里根大学;2012年—2015年,研究助理,美国斯坦福大学;2007年—2012年,高能物理,博士学位,美国Rutgers大学; 2003年—2007年,物理学,学士学位,北京大学;研究兴趣:暗物质寻找、高能物理唯象学和新物理模型、引力波、AdS/CFT及其应用;代表性论文:http://inspirehep.net/author/profile/Yue.Zhao.1


The Standard Model of particle physics provides the foundation of modern high energy physics. However, the Standard Model fails miserably in several aspects. First, it has no dark matter candidate. Further, there are a few super tiny parameters, such as the strong CP phase, which remains to be explained.  In this talk, I will present two novel ways utilizing astrophysical observations to probe the existence of new physics. I will first talk about how to use the Gravitational Wave experiments, i.e. LIGO, to search for ultra-light dark photon dark matter. Using LIGO's data, our result sets the world record on the unexplored parameter space. Then I will demonstrate that, with high spatial resolution, polarimetric imaging of a supermassive black hole by the Event Horizon Telescope can be used to probe the existence of axions. Through these two examples, we show that a nice bridge can be built between astrophysics and particle physics, and interesting particle physics questions can be answered by powerful astrophysical probes.