
Accelerating the timeline for quantum simulations in high energy physics


 目:Accelerating the timeline for quantum simulations in high energy physics


  间:2022913日(星期二)上午 10:00




李英英,费米国家加速器实验室博士后(2019-至今),2019年博士毕业于香港科技大学。 研究方向包括粒子物理现象学,量子技术和机器学习在高能领域的应用。


High energy physics is facing challenges of e.g., understanding the origin of observed baryon asymmetry, the nature of dark matter. Scenarios to address these challenges often involve dynamics that at present cannot be solved due to computational or theoretical limitations. An elegant solution exist in the form of real-time simulation, though hampered by limited quantum resources for the foreseeable future. In my talk, I will motivate the critical need for real-time simulation in high energy physics, discuss existing challenges and techniques involved. Then I will focus on improved Hamiltonians to lower the qubit requirements. With derivations of the matrix elements for the improved terms and constructions of the corresponding quantum circuits, we pave the way of simulating these improved Hamiltonians in real-time for general gauge theories.