
西南理论物理中心启动系列报告:Non-Markovian Quantum Sensing


  目:Non-Markovian Quantum Sensing





报告摘要:In this talk, I shall introduce our recent works on noisy quantum metrology and quantum sensing. Quantum sensing explores protocols using certain quantum resources, such as entanglement, quantum squeezing and quantum criticality, to achieve a highly sensitive measurement of physical quantities. The conventional schemes generally use a unitary rotation to encode the quantity of interest into the sensors state. However, such a unitary encoding scheme totally breaks down when one measures the spectral density of a quantum reservoir. To solve the above problem, we propose a nonunitary-encoding scheme to realize the non-Markovian sensing of a quantum reservoir. Although the nonunitary dynamics shall result in the deterioration of quantum coherence, we surprisingly find a mechanism, which is due to the formation of a sensor-reservoir bound state, to recover the encoding time as a resource to improve the sensing precision. Enriching the family of quantum sensing, our scheme gives an efficient way to measure the quantum reservoir and might supply an insightful support to decoherence control.
