题 目: Diamond color centers for quantum repeaters
报告人: 孙永益(Young-IK Sohn)教授 ,韩国科学技术院(KAIST)
时 间: 2023年5月18号(星期四)下午14:30
地 点: yl6809永利官网LE201
邀请人: 胡自翔
报告摘要:The quantum network is one of the ultimate goals of emerging quantum technologies. It enables the sharing of entangled qubits over a long distance. The most prominent application currently being developed is quantum key distribution (QKD), where the quantum property of the information carrier allows for the exchange of a provably secure key. However, its usable distance is limited to only a few hundred kilometers due to an inevitable trade-off between distance and key rate.Fortunately, the quantum repeater is known to be a great platform to overcome this challenge by extending the distance between nodes. Over the past decade, nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds have shown outstanding performance as quantum repeaters. However, when combined with nano-devices, their unstable nature presents an overwhelming challenge for practical deployment in real-life applications. As an alternative, the silicon-vacancy (SiV) color center is emerging as a potential solution. Thanks to its outstanding stability within nano-devices, it allows for near-deterministic single photon-spin interactions that pave the way to practical quantum repeaters.In this seminar, I will discuss the technical problems related to quantum repeater engineering by comparing two outstanding platforms for quantum repeaters.
报告人介绍:孙永益,2009年韩国首尔国立大学电气工程学士 ,2011年美国斯坦福大学电气工程硕士,2018年美国哈佛大学应用物理学博士。2018年至2020年在PsiQuantum(全球第一家量子计算独角兽初创公司)担任研发工程师,2020年起任韩国科学技术院(KAIST)电气工程学院助理教授,2022年9月–2023年8月在重庆理工大学(重庆两江KAIST国际项目)两江国际学院担任教授,主要研究基于集成量子光子学的通用量子计算机和基于纳米加工的金刚石色心研究,在Nat. Comm., PRB等发表多篇论文,被选为量子信息技术界青年科学家代表与韩国总统共进午餐。 博士研究成果被亚马逊量子网络团队用于制作量子中继器。