
西南理论物理中心启动系列报告:Lefschetz-Thimble and its applications


  目: Lefschetz-Thimble and its applications

报告人: 黄子鬯,上海理工大学

  间: 202376号(星期四)上午1000

  点: 理科楼201

邀请人: 张学锋

报告摘要:The Lefschetz-thimble method is a way to evaluate the complex path integral in a system with complex-valued action. In this talk, I will review the history of how this method is applied into different physical problems. Then, two interesting applications of this method will be given: to compute the observables in the system suffering from the sign problem and to find the complex saddle points of an analytically continued action. In particular, the covariant formulation of the Loop Quantum Gravity is used as my proofing ground. We use the thimble method to compute 2-point correlation function and to find the complex saddle points in the spin foam model.

报告人介绍:黄子鬯于2013年毕业于北京师范大学物理系,后于2014年在法国Aix-Marseille University获得硕士学位,于2019年在美国Florida Atlantic University获得博士学位后于复旦大学任博士后,2023年入职上海理工大学担任讲师。主要从事圈量子引力,量子计算, 数值计算等相关方面的工作。