
西南理论物理中心系列报告:The quantum theory of cosmic perturbations


报告题目:The quantum theory of cosmic perturbations PART I



   间:  2023825号(星期五)19:00

   点: 腾讯会议 yl6809永利官网

Abstract: I will first briefly review the FRW cosmology and inflation, and then introduce how to calculate cosmological perturbations on an inflationary background.

Brief CV:  

王一教授于2009年在中国科学院理论物理研究所获得博士学位。之后在麦吉尔大学、IPMU从事博士后研究,以及在剑桥大学任霍金高级学者。2015 年加入香港科技大学,现为香港科技大学副教授。他的研究领域包括早期宇宙、暗能量、黑洞、引力波。曾获国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目(港澳)资助、香港大学教育资助委员会青年学者奖等。

报告题目:The quantum theory of cosmic perturbations PART II




   点:腾讯会议 yl6809永利官网

Abstract: I will introduce the in-in formalism to calculate non-linear cosmological correlation functions, i.e., non-Gaussianities. The original form of in-in formalism and diagrammatic representations are introduced.

报告题目:The quantum theory of cosmic perturbations PART III




   点: 腾讯会议 yl6809永利官网

Abstract: Cosmological correlation functions at the largest scales of the universe encode valuable information about physics at the smallest scales. A systematic understanding of cosmological correlators is thus crucial for extracting the underlying physics. In recent years, various new techniques for computing cosmological correlators have been developed that leverage the fundamental laws of nature, bringing new insights into the analytic structure of cosmological correlators. In this talk, I will briefly review some of these new techniques and discuss their implications.

Brief CV:剑桥大学博士后。2019年本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,20237月获得香港科技大学博士学位。2020年获香港科技大学理学院研究生卓越研究奖。主要研究兴趣是宇宙对撞机物理,宇宙关联函数,弯曲时空量子场论, 以及黑洞物理。

报告题目: The quantum theory of cosmic perturbations PART V

人: 陈崇斌(博士),神户大学


   间:  2023826号(星期六)15:00

   点: 腾讯会议 yl6809永利官网

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce the electromagnetic fields in the very early universe. Current observations reveal the existence of coherent magnetic fields on Mpc scales. However, their generation is still a mystery. I will talk about the basic of electromagnetic fields in the expanding universe and the mechanisms of generating large-scale electromagnetic field during inflation.

Brief CV:  陈崇斌硕士毕业于南昌大学,现在在神户大学读博士。主要研究兴趣是早期宇宙学,暗物质,宇宙学扰动理论,弯曲时空的量子场论。