题 目:Cosmological principle, dark energy and interstellar molecules
报 告 人:杨晓峰研究员/中科院百人
时 间:2024年12月19日(星期四)上午10:30
地 点:yl6809永利官网 LE201
邀 请 人:杨孝鸿 李昕
报告摘要:The precise validity of cosmological principle and general relativity is the cornerstone of the standard model of modern cosmology (ΛCDM) and is the logical presupposition for the existence of dark energy. Cosmologists usually assumed that the general relativity is the perfect law of gravity from small to large scales, which has been tested by many tests in Solar system and a few cosmological tests. The cosmological principle assumes that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on a sufficiently large scale. However, several possible challenges to cosmological principle was reported in recent years. In this talk, we will introduce our progresses on the tests of cosmological principle and related works on the models and properties of dark energy, which is the main explanation for cosmic acceleration. At the same time, we will present our recent works on the observations of interstellar molecules, which is the prelude of origin of possible extraterrestrial life.
报告人介绍:杨晓峰,2006东北林业大学物理学学士,2012中国科学院天文学博士,2018意大利罗马大学物理学博士,国际天文联合会(IAU)会员,《Quantum Review Letters》(QRL)编辑,Astronomical Techniques and Instruments (ATI) 青年编委。2016以中科院百人计划候选人入职中科院新疆天文台研究员,2019在北京通过择优答辩,研究涉及宇宙大尺度结构、星系宇宙学和射电天文观测。主持和负责国家、省部级和国家重点研发计划子课题等10项,共计负责纵向科研经费七百多万元。 在国际上首次推导出星系巡天弱引力透镜之宇宙放大效应互相关功率谱测量的最优化因子,首次发现利用超新星检验宇宙学原理的两种统计方法之间的显著差异并被后续他人工作大量认证和引用,发展了混合型暗能量重构统计方法等。