
西南理论物理中心系列报告:Search for new particles using nuclear spin sensors


题 目:Search for new particles using nuclear spin sensors

报 告 人:苏昊文

时 间:2024年12月23日 13:30

地 点:理科楼LE201

邀 请 人:周思益

报告摘要:Axions and other ultra-light bosonic particles have emerged as one of the hotspots in recent dark matter research. Since the only clue to the existence of dark matter so far is through gravitational interactions, it is particularly crucial to study its coupling with various Standard Model particles to unravel its physical characteristics. This report will introduce how to utilize polarized nuclear spins to detect dark matter particles such as axions. The experimental approaches include direct detection of the galactic dark matter axion halo and probing new interaction forces. The report will present the latest results achieved in the coupling of ultra-light bosonic particles .

报告人介绍:苏昊文,本科毕业于中国科学技术大学,硕士毕业于纽约州立大学石溪分校,博士毕业于中国科学技术大学,现在为中国科学技术大学博士后,入选2024年度“博士后创新人才支持计划”。主要从事量子精密测量及其在基础物理学的研究,应用高灵敏的核自旋极弱磁场测量技术搜寻轴子等超轻暗物质候选粒子,给出了多个质量范围内轴子等暗物质粒子的最严格实验界限,并首次突破了基于超新星观测的宇宙天文学界限。迄今为止,共发表SCI论文12篇,其中以一作/共一身份在Nature physics、Science advances、Physical Review Letters、Reports On Progress In Physics等国内外权威杂志上发表论文6篇,主持博士后创新计划,基金委青年基金等课题4项,曾获中科院经理特别奖、求是奖学金、研究生国家奖学金等荣誉。