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姓名: 王梓任

部门: 应用物理系

职称: 教授


邮箱: wziren@cqu.edu.cn




永利集团,应用物理系,研究员(2015 –

香港科技大学,物理系,博士后 (2012 – 2014

香港科技大学,物理系,博士 (2007 – 2012

中国科学技术大学,学士 (2003 – 2007








2021国家自然科学基金面上项目 No.12074047


2016 国家自然科学基金青年项目 No.11604031


2015中央高校基本科研业务费专项项目 - 集团重大项目




[1]. Bo Li, Xiuming Xiao, Shuxia Wang, Weijia Wen, Ziren Wang, Real-space mapping of the two-dimensional phase diagrams in attractive colloidal systems, Physical Review X 9, 031032 (2019).


[2]. Bo Li, Xiuming Xiao, Kai Lou, Shuxiang Wang, Weijia Wen, Ziren Wang, Breakdown of diffusivity–entropy scaling in colloidal glass-forming liquids, Communications Physics 1, 79 (2018).


[3]. Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Yi Peng, Zhongyu Zheng, Yilong Han, Homogeneous melting near the superheat limit of hard-sphere crystals, Soft Matter 14, 2447 (2018).


[4]. Ziren Wang, Feng Wang, Yi Peng, Yilong Han, Direct observation of liquid nucleus growth in colloidal crystals, Nature Communications 6, 6942 (2015).


[5]. Yi Peng, Feng Wang, Ziren Wang, Zexin Zhang, Ahmed. M. Alsayed, Arjun. G. Yodh, Yilong Han, Two-step nucleation mechanism in solid-solid phase transitions, Nature Materials 14, 101 (2015).


[6]. Xiaoguang Ma, Wei Chen, Ziren Wang, Yuan Peng, Yilong Han, Penger Tong, Test of the Universal Scaling Law of Diffusion in Colloidal Monolayers, Physical Review Letters 110, 078302 (2013).


[7]. Ziren Wang, Feng Wang, Yi Peng, Zhongyu Zheng, Yilong Han, Imaging the homogeneous nucleation during the melting of superheated colloidal crystals, Science 338, 87 (2012) (highlighted by Science, Nature Materials and Physics Today).


[8]. Yi Peng, Ziren Wang, Ahmed. M. Alsayed, Arjun. G. Yodh, Yilong Han, Melting of multilayer colloidal crystals confined between two wallsPhysical Review E 83, 011404 (2011).


[9]. Ziren Wang, Weikai Qi, Yi Peng, Ahmed. M. Alsayed, Yong Chen, Penger Tong, Yilong Han, Two features at the two-dimensional freezing transitions, Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 034506 (2011).


[10]. Ziren Wang, Ahmed. M. Alsayed, Arjun. G. Yodh, Yilong Han, Two-dimensional freezing criteria for crystallizing colloidal monolayers, Journal of Chemical Physics 132, 154501 (2010) (Featured by Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research).


[11]. Yi Peng, Ziren Wang, Ahmed. M. Alsayed, Arjun. G. Yodh, Yilong HanMelting of colloidal crystal films, Physical Review Letters 104, 205703 (2010) (Physical Review Focus).


[12]. Weikai Qi, Ziren Wang, Yilong Han, Yong Chen, Melting in two-dimensional Yukawa systems: A Brownian dynamics simulationJournal of Chemical Physics 133, 234508 (2010).
