美国物理学会(APS)2016年会于3月14日-3月18日在美国东部城市巴尔地摩(Baltimore,Maryland,USA)举行,公司刘雳宇教授在会上做邀请报告“3-D Technology Approaches for Biological Ecologies”。会后,刘雳宇教授接受APS做关于肿瘤细胞转移机制研究的专访。
【Others presented research on how the matrix of molecules that occupy space between cells in the body could help or hinder cancer cells from invading other tissues. Liyu Liu, a former postdoc in Austin’s lab who is now at China’s Chongqing University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, described a microfluidic chip he developed to study how cancer cells interact with collagen fibers, a major component of the extracellular matrix. By placing cancer cells and collagen together on the chip, Liu observed fibers lining up in parallel rows, a process that he thinks may help the cells pierce blood vessel membranes. “The cancer cell can construct a highway for invasion,” he said.】